For Ambitious Non-Technical Entrepreneurs

Who this is for

  1. You're a founder/CEO who doesn't have a software background, but want to build and lead a world-class tech company.
  2. You want to be an EFFECTIVE and CONFIDENT tech CEO — having intelligent discussions with engineers, asking the right questions, and being able to make informed decisions at the highest level.
  3. You don't have time to become an engineer yourself.

Why this program

In order to be a truly great tech company CEO, you need two things that you just can't get around:

  1. Having a solid, foundational understanding of the technology your business is dependent on, so that you can make smart decisions and — for lack of a more suitable phrase — not say stupid shit. (Just like how you probably have a decent working knowledge of financial statements and accounting rules and can have strategic discussions with your CFO about them, even if you're not a "finance" person or bookkeeper per se.)
  2. Having the skill of guiding and managing highly technical engineers, and communicating your vision effectively such that the right things get built, on time, and without burning endless rounds of cash, and that the engineers actually respect you and see you as a real leader.

I call this being tech fluent.

The old way to become tech fluent was to learn to code or some other kind of intense education. That's great for people who want to eventually become professional engineers, but too slow and painful for yourself.

Tech Fluent CEO is the new, innovative way. I'll help you build technical intuition and technical leadership skills without being distracted by learning to code.

How to start

Option 1: Free / 10 USD

Read my book, Tech Fluent CEO — I'm not exaggerating when I say that it's the MOST VALUABLE resource you'll ever find as a non-technical entrepreneur. And it only takes a few hours to read.

$10 if you can afford it, $0 if you can't.

Option 2: 15,000 USD

Personalized training, with a small group of other CEOs:

To be great at anything (including technical leadership), you need to put in the reps — which means seeing many projects through from beginning to end.

Unlike software engineers who get to put in their reps by simply coding lots of little projects from end to end, you can't just build dozens of software companies one after another to develop your skills.

At the end of this coaching program, you would have put in those reps — taking many ideas from concept to design/implementation, and navigated numerous difficult technical decisions.

To apply to join, book a call with me here.

(P.S. I still recommend reading the book first — at least the first 4 chapters.)

About Me


Coaching FAQs

How long is the program?
The core program will take ~3 months (1-3 hours per week).
You won't have to "wait" for results — from Day 1, you'll immediately start applying what you learned. You can go faster than the rest of the group if you like.

What is the learning experience like?
A mix of hand-holding and tough love. Expect a lot of real-world practice and being put in the hot seat sometimes. The rigor will be just out of your comfort zone to keep it interesting, but never overwhelming. Most classes will be in a group format. You will also get to do some 1-1s with me on the side.

Why is there a call to talk about my business? Can't I just pay and join the group?
The true value of a group is in who's NOT in it. I want to make sure your peers are real, legit tech company founders like yourself, whom you can learn from.
The agenda for the meeting is to understand what kind of company you're building, and whether this program is right for you.

Will I learn to code, or use no-code tools like Bubble?
No and no. Coding skills aren't necessary to build technical intuition. App-builders / no-code tools also fall into the same bucket.

How will I access the course?
It will be over Google Classroom and Zoom. I will release the learning material (lectures, quizzes, assignments) on the class homepage periodically. You won't need to download any software for this program.

Can I get training/workshops for my whole team?
Unfortunately, I only have enough time and energy to work with self-motivated CEOs/entrepreneurs.

I have another question.
Email me: aman [at]